
Daddy Long Legs Cubensis

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$78.00 / oz

Raw Dried Magic Mushrooms

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Daddy Long Legs Magic Mushrooms

These Daddy Long Legs magic mushrooms are an exceptionally visual and social strain. They contain the powerful hallucinogens Psilocybin and Psilocin. It is important to emphasize that these are the Cubensis strain. Daddy Long Legs gets its name from their longer-than-average stalks, resembling that of a spider.

The Daddy Log Legs’ onset is gradual and gains momentum quickly. It peaks with brightly coloured visuals, plenty of belly laughs and the coveted possibility of extra-sensory experiences. They stoke profound feelings of understanding and connection, a deepened sense of gratitude, and an intense curiosity. Daddy Long Legs Cubensis magic mushrooms are imagination-enhancing powerhouses. Dehydrated Daddy Long Legs’ have small to medium-sized light brown caps. They have long off-white stems with deep streaks of blue bruising concentrating heavily at the base.

Botanical info

Daddy Long Legs Cubensis is a member of the genus Psilocybe, one of over 200 species of Basidiomycota mushrooms containing psilocybin. The majority of these magic mushrooms originated in Mexico, where there are 53 indigenous species. Daddy Long Legs is one of a crop of new strains that have been developed in the near-tropical climates of British Columbia. They grow in humus and plant-rich soils in moist climates and environments throughout the tropics and subtropics.

Growing process

Daddy Long Legs mushrooms are relatively easy to cultivate and are fast-growing, producing generous crops. Their growing process is identical to that of other Psilocybin mushroom strains and is relatively simple when following instructions. Colonized substrates, or “cakes”, where the magic mushrooms grow to maturity, are formed over 4-5 weeks using enriched soil and spores. These cakes are then transferred to fruiting chambers to encourage optimal growth. Depending on conditions, spore quality, and the experience of the grower, a single cake can be reused to produce several flushes of magic mushrooms.

Daddy Long Legs Cubensis Journey & Effects

Daddy Long Legs are an extremely potent magic mushroom. They can power paradigm-shifting states of mind to engage and elevate all of your senses for hours. The trip can begin within 10 to 50 minutes of ingestion and might last for up to 6 hours. With higher doses of 3 grams and up you can expect extremely powerful states of profound oneness and understanding. As a result, they can cause time to fade away.

One of the strongest draws to Daddy Long Legs is its visual experience. You can expect visual effects like geometric ‘webbing’ over your field of vision and enhanced colours and lights that make your surroundings appear to sparkle and glow intensely. Much like Mazatapec Cubensis, Daddy Long Legs gives a full-body sensation of peace and relaxation, a bit like a Cannabis Edible in smaller doses. Higher doses can create states of intense energy and a persistent need to move and experience sensation. You might also experience auditory hallucinations like chimes or music.

It is not uncommon on doses higher than 3 grams to visualize non-existent scenes or have interactions with non-existent characters. Additionally, you may experience any number of delightful and unexpected occurrences, all powered by your mind and body as they digest Psilocybin and Psilocin. You will enjoy them best in nature or somewhere visually beautiful and peaceful. For instance,  uncrowded, spacious art galleries or even some city streets with the right company or spotter are recommended. Just about any shifting surrounding with space to move by foot can make a trip extraordinary.

How to use Magic Mushrooms

Bring a Spotter

If you’re choosing Daddy Long Legs Cubensis for a first-time trip, it is strongly suggested that you ask a spotter to be present for you. This could be someone close and trusted who is either completely sober or a psychonaut who is a seasoned, well-informed tripper.

Either way, you should share your trip with people you enjoy being around. Mushrooms bring down a lot of emotional defences and barriers. It is, therefore of vital importance that you only partake when you have plenty of time (24 hours minimum) and are around people you sincerely trust. This can be a fun, potentially profound or even life-changing experience and is worth taking the time to set it up properly to maximize your enjoyment. This will mostly eliminate any chance of having a bad trip. With good people, good vibes and a sound state of mind, you’ll have a great time.


Experiment with the dosage by starting small. As it takes 10-50 minutes to begin taking effect, choose 0.5-1 gram or less for a beginner, 1-2 grams for infrequent users and 2.5 grams and over for experienced trippers. Understand that whenever you take another dose, you stand to lengthen and intensify a trip that could already last for up to 6 hours. Having plenty of time to experiment will eliminate any worry you might experience, which will in turn, make your trip more enjoyable. The less you have to worry about overall, the better your trip will be.


Daddy Long Legs Cubensis is, like most psilocybin cubensis strains, unpleasant to eat raw. However, they are extremely versatile to prepare according to the user’s tastes. Eating magic mushrooms after a meal can diminish their potency, so aim to trip on as empty a stomach as you feel you can manage for 6 hours. Additionally, this will also permit cushioning the mushrooms in a small amount of something delicious to mask the flavour. Most trippers will find the simplest method is to crush up some of the stems and cap in your hand and drink them like a pill with water or a stronger-tasting, non-alcoholic beverage. You can also make them into mushroom tea. Know that citrus can intensify and shorten your trip, so avoid it if you want more control over your experience. Staying hydrated with water and healthy drinks are essential while you trip.

Continue your exploration of Psilocybin, your surroundings and yourself with Daddy Long Legs Cubensis. Add some to your order today!

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